Timeless worship of Jesus Christ in the full beauty of the Anglo-Catholic tradition

This Week at Our Saviour


Wednesday Mass at 5:30 pm

Lady Chapel


Prayers for Healing and Anointing

Office Hours

Monday-Thursday 9 am-1 pm

Church Offices are located
at 985 Los Angeles Avenue, Atlanta GA

Weekly Services

Sundays - in the Church

10 am Holy Mass with incense
(nursery provided)

Livestream on Facebook

Church of Our Saviour
is a Rite I Parish

Weekdays - in the Lady Chapel

Mon-Thu 9am Morning Prayer / Angelus
Tue 11:30 am Holy Rosary
Tue 12:10 pm Holy Mass
Wed 5:30 pm Mass with Unction and Prayers for Healing
Thurs 5:45-6:45 pm Confession
Thurs 7 pm Holy Mass
(no incense at weekday masses)



Families with Children